Design Club
If you’re like me, you were probably overwhelmed by the wide variety of clubs and student organizations that were available during the club fair, and you may not have had time to fully understand the purpose of each club. One of the newer, lesser-known additions to Hammond’s Clubs and Organizations is Design Club.
Design Club is a club where you use your problem-solving skills to create something that can benefit the community or improve an existing creation.
For example, the Hammond Hovercraft that Mr. Lutterbie demonstrated in the Nest a few weeks ago is just one creation that the Design club intends to improve. If you would like to be part of creating the Hammond Hovercraft 2.0, then Design Club is the place for you!
Improving the Hammond Hovercraft is not the only project Design Club is working on. If you have any new ideas, then you can stop by Mr. Lutterbie’s room and post your idea on the Idea Board.
“Design Club is looking for the kind of people who can solve problems,” said Mr. Lutterbie, one of the faculty advisers of Design Club. If you think you would like to be a part of Design Club, then you can talk to Doga Ozmen (the student leader), Mr. Lutterbie, Sr. Azpura-Borras, or Ms. Flewellen (the faculty advisors).